Disaster Aid Doesn’t Affect Government Benefits - Wayne Community College | Goldsboro, NC

Disaster Aid Doesn’t Affect Government Benefits


Release date:  November 2, 2016
Release Number:  NR 018 SC

With the start of a new month you may wonder if the disaster assistance you received from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will reduce your Social Security checks or other benefits, or raise your income tax bill.

No need to worry!  Federal disaster assistance does not count as income. Social Security payments or Medicare benefits are not affected by disaster relief payments from the government or donations from charitable organizations. And, disaster recovery grants will not affect anyone’s eligibility for welfare assistance, Medicaid, food stamps or Aid to Families with Dependent Children. Grants for disaster recovery assistance are not counted as income in determining eligibility for any income-tested benefit program that the U.S. government funds.

Likewise, eligibility for FEMA assistance is not dependent on income. The amount of disaster assistance an eligible applicant receives is based on the amount of loss and damage incurred as a direct result of the storms and floods from Hurricane Matthew.
