Workplace Skills (Human Resources Development) - Wayne Community College | Goldsboro, NC `

Workplace Skills (Human Resources Development)

Human Resources Development header image.

Courses in our Workplace Skills (also known as Human Resources Development) area provide employability skills training and career development courses for adults who are trying to find employment, transitioning back into the workforce, or working to redefine their professional vocation in today’s global market. Courses are taught to equip individuals with the knowledge, values, and practical skills essential to applying, keeping and advancing in their careers.

Our Goals for You

  • Upgrade job skills
  • Enhance and develop educational skills
  • Increase economic self sustainability
  • Train the workforce for jobs and the changing workplace
  • Assist participants in obtaining meaningful employment and training opportunities

Who Should Enroll?

  • Individuals in transition
  • Dislocated workers
  • Unemployed workers
  • Unemployment insurance claimants
  • WIA eligible
  • Anyone interested in self-improvement

Fee Waiver Eligibility

  • Unemployed
  • Received notification of a pending layoff
  • Working and eligible for Federal Earned Income Tax (FEIT) credit
  • Working and earning wages at or below 200% of federal poverty guidelines


Courses Offered

Computer Literacy

This course provides employability skills training for unemployed and underemployed adults. The curriculum framework and the content of the instructional materials will focus on computer use skills as they relate to: 1) developing basic keyboarding, word processing and Internet skills, 2) learning technology-based job search strategies to include the use of social networking, 3) applying for employment online, and 4) accessing governmental and education resources and services.

View available dates and register!

(If no courses are listed, then it is not offered in the current semester term.)

Financial Literacy

This course is designed to provide employability skills training for unemployed and underemployed adults. The curriculum framework is designed to help students understand real-life economic concepts and economic ways of thinking that will enable them to make better informed decisions as it relates to their role as a member of the workforce. Topics include, but are not limited to, wage improvement plans, workplace business concepts, and basic economic literacy concepts.

View available dates and register!

(If no courses are listed, then it is not offered in the current semester term.)

Get Hired! Bootcamp

This course is designed for those who want to enter or re-enter the workplace with a focus on exploring careers and job opportunities, technology training, and financial literacy. Students will also understand what employers are looking for in new hires and examine their own employment history. Students will explore resources available to assist them in their effort to Get Hired.

View available dates and register!

(If no courses are listed, then it is not offered in the current semester term.)

HRD/NCRC Success Lab (Online)

What you need to know to improve your National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) and get your job search questions answered. Receive personalized assistance for conducting online job searches, completing applications, producing a quality resume, workplace soft skills, and obtaining interviewing skills and tips for enhancing employability. Develop the art of networking, good work ethics, and more!

View available dates and register!

(If no courses are listed, then it is not offered in the current semester term.)

Peer Support Specialist

This training is designed to help prepare peer specialists for work in the North Carolina mental health and substance use disorder (mh/sud) service system. Training is for 50 hours. Students who complete the course will receive a certificate that shows that the person has satisfactorily completed approved training and met application criteria.

PREREQUISITES – Proof of high school diploma or high school equivalency, completion of application and registration and completion of advanced assignment due the first day of class.

View available dates and register!

(If no courses are listed, then it is not offered in the current semester term.)

Phase 1: Human Services Exploration DSS

This course covers skills and strategies designed to provide employability skills training and career exploration to meet basic entry-level requirements for the role of Income Maintenance Caseworker within Division of Social Services agencies. Students must attend a mandatory information session to participate in this class. For more information, call 919-739-6926.

View available dates and register!

(If no courses are listed, then it is not offered in the current semester term.)

Phase 2: Income Maintenance Caseworker NCFAST

This course covers a variety of skills associated with the Income Maintenance Caseworker role to determine service eligibility. Specific focus will include proficiency in the utilization of the NCFAST application. Other topics will include skill in communication, interviewing, time management, data gathering/compiling, and data analysis. (Prerequisite Class: Human Services Exploration DSS) For more information, contact Lisa Newkirk at 919-739-6931.

View available dates and register!

(If no courses are listed, then it is not offered in the current semester term.)

Work, Life, Balance

This course provides employability skills training for unemployed and underemployed adults. The curriculum framework is based on four post-employment service strategies — transition, retention, advancement, and re-employment. Transition involves being ready to work (school-to-work, school-to-school, and/or balancing work and family). Retention involves keeping a job and staying employed (work ethics). Advancement involves attaining better jobs with performance and skill development (upgrading and retraining). Re-employment involves gaining independence through a lifetime of work (work-to-work).

View available dates and register!

(If no courses are listed, then it is not offered in the current semester term.)


Monthly W.E.L.L. Workshops (WCC Employment Learning Lab)

For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 919-739-6900.

Helpful Links:

For more information, call (919) 739-6900.
