Foundation Offers Free Online Lectures Mondays in March - Wayne Community College | Goldsboro, NC `

Foundation Offers Free Online Lectures Mondays in March

February 19, 2021

The Foundation of Wayne Community College’s spring 2021 Arts and Humanities schedule fills the Monday evenings in March.

The lectures will be provided live online. Links to the talks are at available on the Foundation’s webpage. No registration is required and there is no charge.

The speaker series includes


“‘A Plague o’ Both Your Houses’: Causation and Contagion
in Romeo and Juliet” presented by Dr. Mary Floyd-Wilson,
the Bowman and Gordan Gray Distinguished Term
Professor of English and Comparative Literature at the
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill – March 1;



“A Day of Blood at Wilmington: November 10, 1898”
presented by LeRae Umfleet who works on special
projects and the initiatives at the North Carolina
Department of Natural and Cultural Resources – March 8;



“Destined for the Neon Lights: A Conversation with
Kate McMillan” presented by Kate McMillan, a Goldsboro
native who is now a professional actor and choreographer
in New York – March 15;



“Legs Johnson: One Soldier’s Story from the
Greatest Generation” presented by Mary Susan Heath,
a Wayne County educator and author of Legs Astride
the World – March 22; and



The Kirk Keller Memorial Lecture – “New South Indians:
Tribal Economics and the Eastern Band of Cherokee in
the Twentieth Century” presented by Dr. Christopher
Oakley, associate professor and chair of the Department
of History at East Carolina University – March 29.


All lectures begin at 5:30 p.m. There will be time after each talk for virtual attendees to ask questions.

Past lectures, and these presentations after they have been shown live, can be viewed at the Foundation’s YouTube channel.

“We’ve got a fabulous lineup for this spring with a great variety from Shakespeare to war,” said Foundation Board Member Mary Mills Borden. She noted that those who cannot view the lectures live can watch them later. “We saw how many people did that with the fall series. By the end of the month, the number of views had doubled.”

The Foundation of Wayne Community College is a non-profit organization that works to broaden the base of community support for educational opportunities at the college. In addition to providing cultural activities such as those in its Arts and Humanities Program, the Foundation assists students with scholarships and funds innovative campus projects and employee recognition opportunities.

Wayne Community College is a public, learning-centered institution with an open-door admission policy located in Goldsboro, N.C. As it works to develop a highly skilled and competitive workforce, the college serves more than 10,000 individuals annually as well as businesses, industry, and community organizations with high quality, affordable, accessible learning opportunities, including more than 140 college credit programs. WCC’s mission is to meet the educational, training, and cultural needs of the communities it serves.

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