WCC Introduces New Online Career Service - Wayne Community College | Goldsboro, NC `

WCC Introduces New Online Career Service

April 27, 2020

Wayne Community College has established a new service to connect employers and job seekers.

The college has partnered with College Central Network Inc. (CCN) to provide an online platform that allows employers to announce jobs and WCC students, graduates, and community members to upload their qualifications, so that each can see the other’s information.

College Central Network

Employers register once to gain access to the CCN platform. They are not limited in how many jobs and internships they post on the job board and can update and manage those posts. They can search résumés for candidates.

Current WCC students have already been given access to the system and alumni and community members can also register to use it. Once they are signed up, job seekers can upload and update résumés and portfolios, search open positions, schedule meetings, and view a calendar of events. Other resources include access to career advice podcasts and documents, notices about posted positions, upcoming events, and additional services.

“College Central Network is a one stop hub for the job search process,” said WCC Career Counselor Elvira Johnson. “This platform brings together employers, job seekers, and local and statewide job opportunities and internships. In addition, job seekers can build a portfolio and get valuable job search information and tips.”

There is no charge for the service for employers or job seekers.

To access the platform, go to www.collegecentral.com/waynecc/.

The resources are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and on any device or via the College Central® app.

WCC is one of 30 North Carolina community colleges that are members of the NC Community and Technical Colleges Jobs Consortium, a group of institutions that use the CNN. That allows employers to reach tens of thousands of job seekers.

“Every employer posting jobs to the consortium is seeking students and alumni to work in North Carolina. And nearly 100 percent of our community college graduates take jobs in North Carolina,” said Craig Foucht, Executive Director of the Wayne Business and Industry Center at WCC. “The 30 community and technical colleges in the consortium have a unified goal: match North Carolina’s employer needs to North Carolina’s local college talent and grow our workforce.”

To learn about all services WCC offers to entrepreneurs, existing businesses, and potential employees through the Wayne Business and Industry Center, go to the WBIC webpage or contact Foucht at cfoucht@waynecc.edu or 919-739-7003.

Get more information about WCC Career Services on its webpage or by contacting Johnson at edjohnson@waynecc.edu or 919-739-7005.

About College Central Network®
Founded in 1997, College Central Network (CCN) has over 22 years of experience connecting employers with qualified emerging talent candidates. More than one million employers have registered to utilize the Network to post jobs and recruit students and alumni for entry-level jobs.

About Wayne Community College
Wayne Community College is a public, learning-centered institution with an open-door admission policy located in Goldsboro, N.C. As it works to develop a highly skilled and competitive workforce, the college serves 11,000 individuals annually as well as businesses, industry, and community organizations with high quality, affordable, accessible learning opportunities, including more than 140 college credit programs. WCC’s mission is to meet the educational, training, and cultural needs of the communities it serves.

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