Student Complaints - Wayne Community College | Goldsboro, NC `

Student Complaints

This form is for use by currently-enrolled students to make a complaint. These complaints must not have an already established and formal appeals process (i.e., Grade Appeal, Financial Aid SAP Appeal, etc). Please refer to the General Catalog & Student Handbook for other appeals processes.

  • Background Information

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • :
  • Complaint

  • Supporting Documentation

    Photos, video, email, and other supporting documents may be attached below. You may upload no more than 4 files and a maximum of 12 megabytes per file. Attachments require time to upload, so please be patient after you click to submit this report.

  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, jpeg, pdf, txt, doc, docx, mp4, wmv, m4v, 3gp, mov, Max. file size: 12 MB, Max. files: 4.
    • One last step...

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