What is the Honors Program?
The Honors Program of Wayne Community College focuses on learning, leadership, and service as integral components of a well-rounded education. Through the program, students will take Honors level courses to earn a 12 credit hour Honors certificate.
Who is eligible?
Students who have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 and who can demonstrate leadership experience, as well as evidence of critical thinking skills, are eligible for the Honors Program. The Honors Program is for students enrolled in Associate in Arts or Associate in Science programs.
What do I have to do to maintain eligibility?
Once students begin taking Honors courses they must maintain a 3.2 GPA to continue in the Honors Program.
Which courses are offered as Honors courses?
A variety of General Education and elective courses are offered. These include courses in English, Math, History, Biology, and Humanities. See each semester’s Schedule of Courses (WCC tabloid) for specific course offerings. All courses are not offered every semester.
How do Honors courses differ from regular courses?
The theory for Honors courses is not to assign more work, but to assign different work. These courses may be able to cover more material because students move at a faster pace. The learning styles of Honors students may also allow instructors to spend more time on a particular topic (ex. World War II), delving deeper into the theories and events of a particular era. Instructors may offer more individualized learning experiences, allowing students to study what most interests them. Also, students may have the opportunity to participate in field experiences, taking learning outside of the classroom and into the community. Finally, Honors courses may focus on career and professional aspects of a particular topic, inviting guests to speak about how they incorporate certain strategies into their work or taking students out into the work force to see the curriculum at work.
How many Honors courses do I have to take to earn an Honors certificate?
Students must complete 12 credit hours at the Honors level to receive the Honors Certificate. Humanities 230 (Leadership Development) is the only mandatory course. The remaining 9 hours should be selected from the list of courses offered as Honors.
Students must earn an “A” or a “B” at the Honors level in order to earn Honors credit for a course.
Can I take more than one Honors course per semester?
Yes. You may take as many Honors courses as you wish. However, be advised that the Honors courses may be more involved than other courses. Please schedule accordingly.
How will my Honors courses be noted on my transcript?
Courses will be noted by grade. For example, a student who completes ENG 113-95 (Honors English) with a grade of an “A” will see “AH” on their transcript. This grade means that the student has earned an “A” in English 113 at the Honors level.
In addition, a note will appear at the bottom of your transcript to state that you have earned the Honors Certificate.
How do I apply to the Honors Program?
Along with meeting the minimum requirement for cumulative GPA, students must apply to the program and submit one letter of recommendation from a college or high school instructor. The application also asks for a list of leadership positions and a short essay (300-500 words) about critical thinking. Applications may be obtained by meeting with the program coordinator or high school counselors. Applications can be submitted at any time throughout the academic year.
Are scholarships available for Honors students?
Yes. The Foundation of Wayne Community College does have scholarship money available for Honors students. Simply apply for a Foundation scholarship during October or April of each semester and note on your application that you are an Honors Student.
What other opportunities are available through the Honors Program?
The mandatory HUM 230 will include leadership activities both on and off campus as well as a unit on Service Learning. Service Learning curriculum allows students to volunteer their time in an appropriate organization in order to become more aware of community needs and to cultivate leadership skills through service.
Other courses may include field experiences such as conducting environmental research at the beach, going to see plays and productions, and visiting museums and local universities.
If I have previously taken a course that is now offered as Honors, can I count that course as an Honors course?
No. Although you may have taken a course (ex. MAT 171) and earned a grade of “A” or “B,” you did not take that course at the Honors level; therefore, the course cannot be counted as Honors.
Have more questions? Contact the Honors Coordinator at wcc-honors@waynecc.edu.
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