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Renewable Scholarships for Technical Programs

May 01, 2018

Students entering 12 technical programs may be eligible for renewable scholarships through the Foundation of WCC.

May Career Readiness Testing

April 30, 2018

The WorkKeys® tests for the National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) will be offered on May 2, 9, 15, and 23.

Info Sessions for Summer CNC Boot Camp – May 3 and 8

April 27, 2018

WCC will offer a “Boot Camp” in Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machining this summer that guarantees completers a job interview.  Potential students must attend an information session scheduled for 2-3 p.m. on Thursday, May 3 or 5:30-6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 8. Both sessions will be held in Room 101 of the Walnut Building on the college’s main campus in Goldsboro.

WCC Student Art Exhibition Next Week

April 27, 2018

Works of WCC fine arts students will be on display April 30-May 4 and will be during its Spring Fine Arts Festival on the evening of May 3.

Scholarship Applications Due April 30

April 26, 2018

Applications for Foundation of WCC scholarships for Fall 2018 are due on Monday, April 30.